Party leader meets with outgoing Japanese Ambassador

May 09, 2024 8:52 AM GMT+7

VGP - Secretary of the Ha Noi Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung met with outgoing Japanese Ambassador to Viet Nam Yamada Takio in Ha Noi on May 8.

Party leader meets with outgoing Japanese Ambassador- Ảnh 1.

Secretary of the Ha Noi Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung (4th from the R) and outgoing Japanese Ambassador to Viet Nam Yamada Takio (3rd from the L) at the meeting, Ha Noi, May 8, 2024

The Secretary congratulated Ambassador Yamada Takio on successfully completing his tenure in Viet Nam and making significant contributions to nurturing the strong Vietnam-Japan relationship.

Recalling notable milestones during the Ambassador's four-year term in Viet Nam, the Ha Noi's Party chief emphasized the elevation of Viet Nam-Japan relations to a "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia and the World."

Affirming that building relations with Japan and Japanese localities is a priority for Viet Nam in general and Ha Noi in particular, Dung stated that the relations between the two countries are at their best, becoming increasingly profound across all sectors.

He noted that healthcare, education, and culture are the current focus of investment in Hanoi, saying Ha Noi aims to leverage cultural resources to drive the city's development.

Therefore, Dung expressed the hope that the Ambassador, upon returning home, will continue to contribute to advancing relations between Ha Noi and Japanese localities, as well as between the two countries, especially in the areas of culture and education.

In reply, Ambassador Yamada Takio thanked Ha Noi's leader for his sincere remarks and highly appreciated the contributions of the local authorities to the strong Viet Nam-Japan relationship. The Ambassador expressed his admiration for Hanoi's achievements in Covid-19 prevention, economic, and social development during his tenure.

The Ambassador took the occasion to call upon the local authorities to pay attention to resolving emerging issues to facilitate smooth project implementation.

Expressing his special affection for Viet Nam and Ha Noi, he stated that regardless of his future position, he will continue to devote himself to nurturing the bilateral relationship and connecting Ha Noi with Japanese localities, including Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture.

Dung agreed with the Ambassador's opinions on Japanese-funded projects in Ha Noi and assured that the city would always pay attention to and support these projects./.

Khanh Phuong