Ha Noi Mayor receives Peruvian Ambassador to Viet Nam

June 13, 2024 2:58 PM GMT+7

VGP - Ha Noi is committed to supporting the activities of the Peruvian Embassy in the capital, especially the events marking the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, said municipal People's Committee Chairman Tran Sy Thanh in a meeting with the newly-appointed Peruvian Ambassador to Viet Nam, Patricia Yolanda Ráez Portocarrero, on June 12.

Ha Noi Mayor receives Peruvian Ambassador to Viet Nam- Ảnh 1.

Municipal People's Committee Chairman Tran Sy Thanh (R) shakes hands with Peruvian Ambassador to Viet Nam, Patricia Yolanda Ráez Portocarrero, Ha Noi, June 12, 2024

Chairman Thanh welcomed the comprehensive development of Viet Nam-Peru relations after 30 years of existence.

He hailed the fact that Peru is currently Viet Nam's 6th largest trade partner in the Latin American region, while Peruvian culture is also increasingly spreading to the Vietnamese people.

Ambassador Portocarrero thanked the Ha Noi authorities for supporting the Peruvian Embassy in recent times, especially in cultural events that help to bring Peruvian culture to the people of Ha Noi.

She also touched on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Viet Nam and Peru this November, as well as cultural activities to celebrate Peru's National Day.

These include a painting exhibition and a musical arts program. The Ambassador hoped that the Ha Noi government would support the celebration of these events.

Ambassador Portocarrero said that Viet Nam-Peru relations have made remarkable progress in trade-investment cooperation, especially since the entry into force of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), of which both countries are members.

"That is why one of the goals of my term in Viet Nam is to promote Peruvian culture and foster economic and commercial ties, as well as strengthen cooperation with the city of Ha Noi in many ways," she said.

Regarding the Embassy's series of cultural activities to celebrate the 30th anniversary of bilateral ties, Chairman Thanh pledged to support and create the best conditions for the embassy to organize events successfully.

Briefing the guest on Ha Noi's activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its liberation, which will culminate on October 6, the Chairman expressed his wish that the Embassy coincide some of its cultural activities this year with such celebrations.

Chairman Thanh also wanted to promote trade and investment between Hanoi and Peruvian localities. At the same time, he hoped that the two countries would continue to promote cultural exchanges, tourism and people-to-people diplomacy.

He wished the Ambassador a successful term of work in Viet Nam, contributing to the strengthening of relations between the two countries in all fields./.

Khanh Phuong