Most typical dishes on the Mid-autumn festival in Hà Nội

September 14, 2010 9:28 AM GMT+7

VGP - The specialty for the Mid-Autumn festival in Việt Nam is moon cake - bánh nướng (baked cake) and bánh dẻo (sticky cake). These are small cakes (150-200g) usually made in square molds with decorative patterns on the surface, although recently moon and carp shape versions have begun to appear in Hà Nội.

Bánh nướng (L) and bánh dẻo (R)
The taste of moon cakes is different in the North and the South. The crust of bánh nướng is made from flour; its stuffing is a mixture of pumpkin jam, peeled pumpkin seeds, lard, pickled egg yolk and lemon leaves. After being cooked, bánh nướng must be kept for several days to allow the oil to penetrate and soften the crust. Bánh dẻo are made from fried sticky rice mixed with sugar and put in a mould. The stuffing is also made of the same ingredients as bánh nướng but added with ground lotus seeds and fried sesame. The special taste of Hà Nội’s bánh dẻo is due to the fragrance of pomelo.

Nowadays in Hà Nội, there are many kinds of moon cakes with different tastes, shapes, and sizes. Confectionary companies such as Kinh Đô, Đồng Khánh, and Hữu Nghị make many varieties of moon cake on an industrialized production line. Some of the ingredients commonly added are red bean, Chinese sausage, Indian taro, green rice flakes, and momordica. However, most families in Hà Nội like the traditional taste of the handmade cakes. In the old streets of Hà Nội there are shops such as Ngọc Anh, Hưng Thịnh at Number 13, 15 Hàng Đường; Ninh Hương at 22 Hàng Điếu, Công Trung at 80 Hàng Bồ that specialize in making and selling traditional moon cakes.
